
Thursday, 20 February 2014



Higher Consciousness

Three Levels of Consciousness
Spiritually speaking, a human has at least 3 levels of consciousness:
  1. Physical Consciousness with the brain as the center
  2. Soul Consciousness with the Soul as the center (located between our eyebrows)
  3. Spirit or True Self Consciousness with the Spirit or True Self as the center (located within our spiritual heart). This consciousness is also known as Super or Supra Consciousness or Atman.
The picture below depicts the relationship between these 3 levels of consciousness when we are alive as a human. For general understanding, the heart, the spirit and the Inner Heart are considered the same and referred as Heart, as the spirit (true self) is within our heart. Please note that in Padmacahaya, soul and spirit may have a different definition than what you already know. We define spirit as true self, not soul, because our true self is a spark of the Creator, True Source which is the greatest spirit or known as Paramatman (The Greatest Atman) in Hindu philosophy.



Our human body is a soul and within the soul is our heart or spirit. The soul cannot exist without the spirit. In the illustration you can also see that the core of our heart is our Inner Heart, the innermost part of our heart, the only part of us that knows the real truth. Our spirit cannot exist without our Inner Heart.
When we are alive as a human, our physical consciousness or our brain is the outer layer of consciousness that envelopes our other levels of consciousness. Even though our inner consciousness (soul and spirit) know what is happening, only our physical consciousness can interact with our environment. Our higher consciousness (soul and spirit) that is located inside has no chance to interact directly with the environment, except when we follow an idea or desire from our higher levels of consciousness with
our brain.

As soon as our physical human body stops working, the center of our physical consciousness is gone. Our soul consciousness, with the heart and the spirit inside, becomes the outer layer that interacts directly with the environment. This soul consciousness is also known as the intermediate consciousness to interface between our human and our spirit consciousness in order for our spirit to be able to use our temporary human body to learn on Earth as a human being.


Our Consciousness and Heart Connection

Given that our heart is so important, it does not mean that our other levels of consciousness is not important. Our physical consciousness with our human brain as the center is also a wonderful facility, a part of the spiritual tools given by True Source so that we can learn through experience, as our spiritual lessons here on Earth to help us to remember about and choose True Source. But of course it is the special tool, the heart, which has been provided for us to truly improve our connection.
In fact, when our brain chooses True Source, but we also properly use the special facility that has been given to us--our heart--to connect to True Source, True Source's Love can help our spirit directly with everything that is needed. This is part of the beautiful gift of the human body.

True Self within The Heart - The Real You

“Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I headed?” are questions that confront us with the very fact of our existence and the meaning of our life. To answer those important questions, we need to realize who we really are. Are we a temporary physical human body or soul or spirit? Who is our true self? Which one existed first?
Most of us consider our true self as this temporary human body. If we perceive our true self as this temporary human body,  it is very easy to understand why we have so many worries about this temporary human body that for sure will get sick, older and die one day. It is just a matter of time. On the contrary, if we start to realize that our true self is not this temporary human body, but something eternal and divine, that cannot die and has a beautiful purpose to exist, then there is no reason to worry about so many things as most of humans do. Yes, our true self is not this temporary physical body, but the heart which has been given this temporary human body by our Beloved Creator, as a beautiful spiritual tool or facility so that we can do our spiritual journey as a human being to help our true self to return HOME. Everything we experience in our daily life is simply an opportunity and a facility to help our true self to attain that final goal of our existence.
A long time ago, before we had a human body, we were created as a heart by True Source, i.e. we were given our heart before we were given a human body. In fact our human body and our soul were created by True Source later on as beautiful facilities to help our heart, our true self to learn to return HOME. As we came from The Source of Divine Love, we are meant to be happy as The Love is the source of true joy and happiness If we don’t realize who we really are we will move away from the true joy and happiness. To start realizing who we really are, the first step is always to open our heart to Divine Love and Light of our Beloved Creator, True Source, The Source of our true self. Only Divine Love and Light from our Beloved Creator that is received through our heart can help us to realize who we really are. Learning to open our heart will then become the learning about our true self, which in turn, helps us to realize who we really are. You are welcome to read the wonderful book by Irmansyah Effendi, MSc. The Real You: Beyond Forms and Lives for deeper understanding on this subject.

Higher Consciousness and Spiritual Growth

As a human being we grow from being a baby to becoming an adult and similarly as a spiritual being, we need to grow. From a spiritual consciousness point of view, growing spiritually also means our consciousness grows beyond our daily physical human consciousness.  Our soul and true self or spirit consciousness are considered as our higher consciousness because vibration wise, they are higher than our human daily physical consciousness. Technically speaking, our spirit or true self consciousness energy vibration is higher than soul consciousness energy vibration and soul consciousness energy vibration is higher than physical consciousness energy vibration. So, in other words we can say that the direction of our spiritual growth is growing towards higher consciousness.  Only when we are conscious as our true self or spirit then we can understand who we really are and understand our true relationship with our Beloved Creator, True Source, which is a very important step in attaining Yoga.  Thus, attaining higher consciousness is an important part of our spiritual growth.
For many serious spiritual seekers attaining higher consciousness properly is not an easy process. Many have searched and spent much time and effort without any good results. Actually, attaining higher consciousness properly is not a difficult process when you are guided by someone who really knows the proper way. The key for that is the opening of our heart to Divine Love and Light.
9 Keys towards Higher Consciousness:
Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow our ignorance, as it has become a fearful master, goading us into war, pollution, waste and exploitation.
The social problems and entrenched patterns at the source of global issues are too vast and complex to be solved at the personal level, yet, paradoxically, the personal transformation of the individual offers a lonesome opportunity to avert the catastrophes we are engineering for ourselves. Human consciousness has a critical role to play in our collective destiny and there is a seismic shift occurring here that is creating a rising class of conscious people better equipped than ever to deal with such a chaotic environment.
The shift. It is the dramatic re-ordering of one’s psyche, producing changes that greatly benefit the body, mind and spirit. It is marked by considerable expansion of awareness of the inner spaces of mind and heart, and of the inter-dependent nature of all things. It is a reconstruction of one’s life and purpose rebuilt on a foundation of truth, peace, strength and flexibility, and it is brought about by a laborious and sufferable process of reflection and self-realization. The end result of the shift is the experience of a new, world-centric perspective on life, the reclamation of mental and physical health, and the discovery of the strength, courage and fearlessness needed to wade through these interesting times.
Personal evolution is both the great duty and the great joy of all human beings and is a process of divine significance, frequently unfolding in overlapping stages and related developments. Here are 9 key components of the shift commonly experienced by evolving people, not necessarily occurring in a particular order.
1. Contemporary Consciousness – The mass consciousness of production, consumption, submission and nihilism is where the shift begins. This is the consensus trance that we have been programmed to accept as real life, while obediently serving our worst interests without examination or question. Contemporary consciousness is acquiescence to insanity for the sake of convenience. Breaking through contemporary consciousness is to strike the very root of our global dilemma. Numb, drugged, and senseless, this level of consciousness is a psychic plague blotting out our potential.

2. A Disturbance in the Force – Like a canary in a coal mine, a warning appears from somewhere, grabbing our attention, rattling our confidence, pulling us out of our tunnel vision. Some small piece of information gathered from the alternative press or from a documentary film eats at our understanding of how the world is set up, and the shift begins. This sets the stage for a deep and serious personal crises to erupt, and often engages a ferocious drive for knowledge and truth.

3. An Introspective Quest for Knowledge & Truth - Knowledge and information are the fuel for personal transformation. Once awakened, our natural draw towards truth and justice calls us to consider new ideas and outside perspectives as we search for a new bearing in a crumbling understanding of the world. Introspection reveals answers to never-before asked questions and the accompanying interest in ‘alternative’ information and ideas provides answers that profoundly contradict contemporary consciousness. Once this quest is initiated the world never again looks the same.

4. The Dark Night of the Soul – The disturbance begins to conflict with contemporary consciousness so severely that the amount of cognitive dissonance required to adhere to the status quo life manifests materially as serious personal mental and physical health crisis.  The foundation for this catastrophic and catalysing series of events has been under construction for most of life up to this point, and as such, the mind, body and spirit can be forced to endure unimaginable lows as the entire sum and meaning of one’s existence is smashed and broken to pieces under the weight of one’s denial about their complicity in their own self-destruction.
This is the ultimate test. To pass it one must endure the pain to the ultimate degree, and simply not give up. For many, the dark night of the soul lasts for years, marking the most serious, frightening and life-changing phase of life. Succumbing to the suffering here means giving in to total annihilation and choosing the path of serious self-deceit, total submission to ego and to false authority, addiction, reckless endangerment of the self, suicide, overdose, etc.

5. Discovery of Real Medicine – Something helps us through this crisis by easing the pain of our Qi Gong, Yoga, Kung Fu, meditation, and so on. Medicine may also be found amongst healers, therapists, shaman, or even plant medicines like Ayahuasca and Iboga. Finding the activity or experience that nudges you away from the brink of destruction and towards healing is a critical component of the shift.
suffering, gently re-building positive energy and providing sufficient distraction while the body and spirit begin to reclaim health. Medicine here is not pharmaceutical, but therapeutically can come in the form of an artistic endeavour or exercise, or better yet, an intense study of an esoteric healing physical art like

6. Purification and Detox – Along the quest for knowledge we discover the toxic nature of our processed and sedentary lifestyle and realize the need for detox and purification. Learning about fluoride, heavy metals, GMO’s and the poisons in our food reveals the link between our emotional state, stress levels, well-being and conscious awareness. A new relationship with food is developed and taking care of the body and health gradually becomes easier.
Our toxic environment also includes our social atmosphere and here we are compelled to tune out of mainstream media, conversation and logic, purging ourselves of the garbage that so many people consider important. Our consumption of mainline ideas is reduced and our mind regains a footing of independence in a sea of sensationalized conformity.

7. Re-thinking of Authority, Dependence and Liberty – As the detox pushes older versions of the self out of the way, rejuvenating the psyche, a new picture of the self emerges in a world that no longer looks anything like it did before. The designs of control and manipulation governing our social institutions and traditions are rightfully exposed as farcical constructs that deter our evolution, while modern politics and government are understood to be laughable traps of dependence and deceit and therefore no longer beneficial to positive growth. The people that invest their lives and identities in these schemes seem desperate and needy of purpose, fanatical and outrageously too certain and too serious about life.
Non-conformity and non-compliance become moral obligations and liberty is re-valued to include freedom from living in the fear-based consciousness offered as the default way of life. Ordinary people seem strange now in how they self-organize into ridiculous pecking orders, squabbling for position at work and submitting to any ‘authority figure’ with a badge and cheap uniform. It becomes clear that freedom has less to do with laws and more to do with voluntary submission, and liberty becomes a constant struggle to decrease dependence on the systems that complicate life.

8. Letting Go of and Discarding that Which Does Not Serve – In order to move through the process of transformation, it is absolutely necessary to jettison the things, people, relationships, habits, and ideas which no longer serve and support us. Human beings energetically interact with the objects and people in our environment, and eliminating and purging sources of stagnant energy and negativity creates space for new experience and inspiration to enter and flow into life. This is one of the most renewing components in this transformation.

9. Initiation into Mystery - Material science and mainstream thought exclude forms of mystery and paranormal activity from consideration in our culture, therefore making an initiation into the world of the unexplainable a common feature of the shift. For some reason, as a person changes in this fashion, strange and fascinating events occur that chip away at the certainties that support consensus material reality.  Synchronicities emerge and moments of clarity give greater meaning to the mundane. Awareness of the subtle life force energy, Qi or Prana, develops, and ancient modalities of thought and concentration elicit strangely powerful revelations. Once the veil of the rigid scientific mind-set pierced intuition and curiosity flourish and one re-assesses the potential in all things and in all circumstances, abandoning certainty in favour of wonder. Life becomes at sacred, as it should be.


The shift is nothing short of total personal revolution, and signals the re-organization of the mind and psyche for the benefit of the individual and the collective. It is about remembering who we are and overcoming the momentous inertia of the self-destructive programming in our modern world. Coming to extra-ordinary consciousness and awareness from the depths of the contemporary trance that sickens so many people is a process compelled by both natural forces and personal will and is part of our unique journey towards individuation, freedom, and happiness in this amazing world, at this incredible time.

If you have anything of value to add to this list, please do so in the comments section below.

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907


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