All is at peace, perfect joyful harmony and the totality of All that is completely permeated and suffused with an infinite abundance of unconditional love.
Nothing at all is rejected, discarded or abandoned. All is accepted and totally loved, because all of creation is perfect.
It is a state in which God is personally experienced as truly present at all times in themselves and everywhere else throughout His creation.
Full Consciousness is where humanity is headed and this event is approaching rapidly. Those who are ready will find themselves there suddenly, to their absolute joy and amazement - amazement because, although they have been praying for it, preparing for it and longing for it, they can have no idea what it really means until they experience it.
The clarity of vision, perception, understanding and the physical sensations that comes with full consciousness can only be experienced. Descriptions of it are impossibly inadequate and yet of course, we have to talk about it and be aware that it is indeed a state of exhilaration and wonder for which we have been yearning for eons. Buried deep within each human is a knowing that is the destination toward which they are traveling. For ages, it has appeared to a state of being that is to all intent remains, providing the unquenchable hope that drives the search to find that heavenly state.
Now, it is approaching and all who long for it, will indeed find it. Everyone longs for it, even if the longing is deeply buried and
hidden, except for a very small number who have chosen at this stage to reject it. They will of course be given countless further opportunities to attain this state, and when they can no longer put up with or accept the dark, the unenlightened path they have chosen to follow, they will find that they too have buried within them a longing to move into this state and when they do. they will be most gloriously welcomed.
The Creator does not reject or condemn any part of His creation, because He is infinitely wise, compassionate, loving and accepting and nothing is anathema to Him.All will turn to the Light - the intensely brilliant light that is divine love in action. It is irresistible and all are part of it from the moment of creation. And yes, there has been a choice to experience human life with only the tiniest possible sense of awareness of the divine Light. It has been an exercise to demonstrate not only the impossibility of existence without it, but also the fantastic, momentous experience that existence within it provides.
You are all about to come home to that magnificent experience, and your welcome, as you find yourselves once more surrounded and lifted on high by so many loving friends and relatives will indeed be tumultuous!
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