The facts below have been acquired from the (Authorized) King James Version completed in 1611 when nothing was known about DNA, the 'book of life'. I am using this version because I believe it is the most accurate, but also because it predates the discovery of DNA by a few centuries. Most of the information below is compiled research, but some of it is connected so I will do my best to connect pieces that should go together.
The Bible in its original form is made up from two languages, HEBREW and GREEK.
Here are the number of letters in each Alphabet:
HEBREW = 22 (Old Testament)
GREEK = 24 (New Testament)
22 + 24 = 46
Not only do the letters in the two alphabets make a total of 46 (again the total number of chromosomes we have in every DNA cell in our body), but EACH of these numbers are significant to the puzzle as well!
We will start with 22:
The WORD of God is made up of letters, so the most fundamental part of a word are the letters that make up that word in the respective alphabet. Well, God tells us just that in John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
One amazing thing about the word WORD, is that it shows up 1180 times in the Bible. If you look up the 1180 in Strongs Hebrew (b/c we are relating this to the Old Testament) Concordance. The definition of H1180 is "my master, or Jehovah"!! This is confirmation of the scripture above in John 1:1; "theWord was God."
The interesting thing about DNA is that in order to make a full set of chromosomes by each parent you must have 23 chromosomes. There is only 1 sex chromosome by each parent given to each set of 22 chromosomes to make up our 46 chromosome DNA. What this means is that the number 22 in terms of DNA can be characterized not by reproductive flesh but only as an IDEA or WORDS or SUBSTANCE before it is given the final sex chromosome to make it capable of designing/reproducing a human form!
Now, the real shocker, number 24:
The Ark of the Covenant was discovered by a man named Ron Wyatt in 1978. He found the Ark hiding in a grotto or cave underneath the crucifixion place of Jesus. Above the Ark on the cave ceiling was a blood stained portion of rock. Wyatt discovered that this blood had flowed all the way down into the grotto from a crack in the ceiling reaching all the way from the Cross staked in the ground and onto the Ark when Jesus was crucified. This blood was tested in a laboratory and it was discovered that the blood only had 24 Chromosomes!! This means that Jesus' blood had 23 chromosomes from his mother Mary (the seed of the woman) and ONLY 1 chromosome from His Father (God)!! 23+1=24. No other human in the history of mankind has had a blood profile like this! That's how we know that what Ron Wyatt discovered that day, was indeed the blood of our Lord Jesus.
In the scripture below we have a very interesting coincidence. Many scholars have found that often times when the Bible uses the word 'book' in the Bible, it is symbolically representing DNA. If you think of who Jesus was, then you understand that he was the embodiment of the Bible, or God's Word made flesh. Now, let's look at the verse below:
Isaiah 34:16
Seek ye out of the book (DNA) of the Lord, and read:
no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate:
for my mouth it hath commanded,
and his spirit it hath gathered them.
Here, after the verse says, "Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read:"; we see something that is very profound. If you count the words in bold blue there are exactly 24 words! This is the same number of chromosomes that were discovered in the DNA of Jesus! If you're wondering how the verse above is describing DNA then continue reading the next verse in Isaiah 34:17 and look up the research of Mike Hoggard on how these verses perfectly describe our inner substance.
Hold tight, the final piece to the puzzle is John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
So the two pieces of the puzzle are the WORD which was the beginning (Old Testament), and the end is Word made FLESH or Jesus (New Testament); as stated here in Revelation 1:8
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
So here Jesus says that I am the Alpha and the Omega, which is written in Greek and uses the letters of the Greek alpha-bet to describe himself as the beginning and the end. It just so happens that from Alpha to Omega in the Greek alpha-bet are 24 total letters! So Jesus is symbolically describing how many chromosomes are in his body!
Remember the 1 Chromosome that came from God the Father in the blood of Jesus? Well, if you look at how it is determined that we are either male or female during fertilization is depending on whether we have an XX (female) series of sex chromosomes or an XY (male) series. Jesus was born a male because he received the Y sex chromosome from God to make Him an XY. Jesus was God in the flesh and it seems that He was almost spelling that out to us when He hung on the Cross. If you think about the posture you make when you are spelling a 'Y' with your body as in Y-M-C-A, then you understand what Jesus was saying to us when He hung on the cross:
To SUM up the information above:
(John 1:1) (John 1:14)
Old Testament + New Testament = A FINISHED WORK
22 + 24 = 46
To summarize this impossible coincidence. In the beginning was only the 'Word' which is why the Old Testament, written in Hebrew, has 22 letters in the Aleph-bet. Then the 'Word' was made 'Flesh', and Jesus was born as God in the Flesh having 24 chromosomes. The make up of these 24 total chromosomes are the 23 chromosomes from Mary, which is God's seed preserved through the flood in Noah. And 1 male 'sex' chromosome given from God for the reproduction of God's seed through the descendants of Adam's son Seth. Both of these numbers combined are equal to the number of chromosomes in every cell in our bodies, 46.
The Old and New Testaments make up a Finished Work in the same way our Father and Mother each give us 23 chromosomes and make us whole with traits from each parent. The "temple" of the Old Testament was a building of worship. The "temple" of the New Testament is our bodies, or the temple of our minds, which is the NEW place of worship. Here's a scripture showing this paradigm shift that took place in the New Testament:
"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands" (Acts 17:24)
So God no longer dwells in temples made with hands or buildings put together by man for worship. He dwells in our minds and our hearts giving us freedom to worship Him where ever we choose. Our bodies ARE the temple made without hands, giving God access to us and us to Him every moment of our lives through His imparted Holy Spirit.
Now that we have established what the temple is, let's take a look at the next verses, John 2:19-21:
19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20 Then said the Jews, Forty six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body.
So here, in the first place that the Bible recognises the body as the temple, the Jews use the number 46 to describe the duration it took to build it! Are we to assume this is random coincidence that they used this number for the temple? or do we conclude that this exhibits the pre-knowledge that God had of how many chromosomes we had in our bodies BEFORE science ever determined this? I concur with the latter.
The temple the Jews are talking about here that took 46 years to build is Second Temple or Herod's Temple. This Temple was constructed for many pagan gods and the same Temple that Jesus threw the money changers out and 'cleansed the Temple. I find this very interesting that the Second Temple being described here sounds a lot like the temple of our flesh; that was made to worship any god/God we choose, but if we allow it, Jesus will come in and cleanse us. Here stands the reason I think this Temple was associated with the number 46, because it describes everybody on earth.
Traveling to an earlier period of the First Temple, or Solomon's Temple, we find a very interesting coincidence associated with the architecture of the building. Solomon's Temple was constructed with two 'Pillars' at the entrance to the Temple. Would you care to guess how tall the Bible says each of the Pillars are? The pillar named Jachin was 23 cubits and the pillar called Boaz was 23 cubits!
“And he set up pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar and called the name thereof Boaz. And upon the tops of the pillars was lily work” (1 Kings 7:21-22).
“For he cast the two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece…and he made two chapiters of molten brass to set atop the pillars; the height of one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits.” (1 Kings 7:15-16).
18+5 equals 23! The pillars of Boaz and Jachin are 23 cubits high, representing the 23 pairs of chromosomes in our DNA.
In conclusion, both Temples created in the Bible show significant evidence of pre-knowledge to the structure of our DNA. The only explanation for this is that God used these dimensions and numbers because He knew there would come a time when we would discover these things about ourselves and it would, in turn magnify how great He is upon our discovery. Hallelujah!
Here are a few interesting coincidences that shouldn't be overlooked in the evidence that God cryptically inserted our dimensions into the Bible. Here are a few more examples:The only two times the Bible mentions the 'body' as the 'temple' are in the following verses:
46th book of the bible: 1 Corinthians 6:19 "your body is the Temple"
23rd book from the end: John 2:21 "spake of the temple of His body"
Isaiah is the 23rd book of the Bible and also has 66 chapters much like the complete Bible has 66 Books. A 23 chromosome DNA strand is also 1 complete 'book' of genetic information from a person.
In the Bible I believe Jacob's ladder is referencing DNA, or the 'stairway to heaven'. I believe this because Jacob was the 23rd generation from Adam. This is remarkable because Jacob was born with a brother named Esau, but only ONE of the generations were "blessed" by God and that lineage was carried through Jacob!
Fortunately, we are no longer only blessed by the 'seed' we carry within us; but by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for us. He has given us free will and is waiting in Paradise for anyone who accepts Him in their heart as their personal Lord and Savior!
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