
Monday 10 November 2014


Did you know that our neurons that fire together, wire together? 
This is why our paths continue in much the same fashion every day; we do the same things day in and day out.  We continue to do these things until something forces us to shift and change our belief systems and encourage the neurons to fire differently.
Some examples of this would be when a smoker who wants to stop keeps smoking or a drinker who's trying to get on the wagon keeps drinking.
There are far more examples than the above though:  It is why our hamstrings stay tight and why we do not achieve the success we want.
Each one of us is hardwired from a young age. You do have the power to change the brain and therefore your current reality. 

Step 1 - MEDITATE:
Meditation can activate change.  It helps to open the frontal lobe of the brain, which is considered one way to change your belief patterns and has been called the gateway to the subconscious mind.

Every time you meditate and concentrate your full mind's power on your "internal dialogue", the connection between your mind and body increases. You become more "self aware".

Meditating on the Word of God leads to what the Apostle Paul calls a renewed mind. [Romans 12:2]

Clearly state to the Universe (God), what it is you want in your life; this can be an emotional, physical or spiritual issue.  Spend a few minutes each day revisiting your intention.

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between fact or fantasy.  This is huge for you!  You can help rewire your brain using visualization skills. 

Step 4 - AWAKEN:
Each time you go to do something that you don't really want to do but are still doing out of habit or because of the brain's programming, stop!  Awaken yourself to the fact you are doing this thing because of the pre-existing wiring in your brain.  Make a conscious decision to change the behavior.  In the case of something physical, tell your body how much you love it!  It sounds quirky, however it is a very powerful option for change.  For example, you may have extremely tight hamstrings.  Begin to stretch them and as you do, have a conversation with them.  "Relax, hamstrings, relax.  It is safe for you to let go and move forward."

We have the power to shift and change our brains "hard wiring".
Be aware it does take time to do this;  however, the benefits far outlast the work involved in making these changes.

I now offer online coaching & counselling
via skype or e-mail

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