
Sunday 29 June 2014


Photo: YOU WON'T SEE THIS ON TV... So don't forget to share this information so it can get around. The cancer industry is worth over a trillion dollars a year and if people could grow their own cure in their backyard big pharma couldn't profit from our sickness. I'm sick of hearing about my brothers and sisters of Earth dying from curable diseases because of bad laws or an uneducated public. It's time to inform the masses that there is hope. And this isn't the only solution that has been found for cancer. Controlling your pH has been found to prevent and reverse cancer as well. All this information and more can be found with just a little bit of research on google. Below are some links to help get you started.

The Top 4 Medical Studies That Prove Cannabis Can Cure Brain Cancer:

Run From The Cure: Cannabis Cures Cancer: *documentary

Kristina Marie cures her brain tumor:

How to use it:

Tons of personal testimonials and how to make:

Watch a Molecular Biologist Explain How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells:

For the love of humanity, give this a like and a share to help prevent some future suffering. —

 YOU WON'T SEE THIS ON TV... So don't forget to share this information so it can get around. The cancer industry is worth over a trillion dollars a year and if people could grow their own cure in their backyard big pharma couldn't profit from our sickness. I'm sick of hearing about my brothers and sisters of Earth dying from curable diseases because of bad laws or an uneducated public. It's time to inform the masses that there is hope. And this isn't the only solution that has been found for cancer. Controlling your pH has been found to prevent and reverse cancer as well. All this information and more can be found with just a little bit of research on google. Below are some links to help get you started.

The Top 4 Medical Studies That Prove Cannabis Can Cure Brain Cancer:

Run From The Cure: Cannabis Cures Cancer: *documentary

Kristina Marie cures her brain tumor:

How to use it:

Tons of personal testimonials and how to make:

Watch a Molecular Biologist Explain How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells:

For Alternative Healing


Contact:  Dr Theresa 078 308 9907

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