
Thursday 22 May 2014


What you don't know will hurt you!

The origin of this bold statement goes back to the
fundamental law of cause and effect. There is a reason for
everything that manifests around us in our lives, whether
we are aware of our role in attracting it - or not!

Often times, we incorrectly tend to blame all kinds of
circumstances for the challenges we experience in life. We
fail to take responsibility for being the ultimate attractor
of these less than desirable events. When we learn how to
effectively shift how we think and behave in key situations,
we take responsibility to creating the results we desire.

Now the real question becomes: What do we need to improve
within ourselves so we become a more effective attractor of
our desired results?

The answer to this great question is simply: Your Level of

Your level of self-esteem is the primary determining factor that influences your behavior in EVERY MOMENT of your Life!

You may be shocked to hear that my research has shown that
over 85% of us experience some form of diminished self-esteem
in our lives. For many, their overall self-esteem is at a low
point, but more often, for most people, poor self-esteem occurs
in certain situations and settings.

Most irritating is that it's in the key emotional moments of
your life that diminished self-esteem can hurt you most. For
example, you may be applying for a job and you are given a
tough question and all of a sudden, you start feeling
uncomfortable or you may even sabotage your chances by saying
something foolish because you lack the necessary self-esteem
to hold yourself as a great prospect for the company
interviewing you. Or, perhaps, it could be the area of dating
and intimacy where your poor self-esteem might prevent you from achieving your desired result. All too often unproductive levels of self-esteem in certain key areas are passed on to children who experience problems similar to those that their parents have. 

Or maybe it's a business setting where you sometimes feel
intimidated, shy or uncomfortable as a result of diminished

I think it is fair to say that we all have experienced our share of these types of situations. The GOOD thing is -this does not need to continue to happen! You can be as strong, confident, and productive as you wish in any situation - and truthfully, you fully deserve that.

Through our communications and our products, I am committed to
showing you the way to realizing a stronger and healthier overall
level of self-esteem, where you will enjoy a higher quality of
life on a consistent basis.

Dr Theresa:  078 308 9907


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