
Monday, 26 May 2014


  • People around the world have been using Reiki and other hands-on healing methods to assist individuals in improving their health and state of well-being for centuries. As humans and technology have evolved, we began to take a more medical approach to health and wellness (at least in the western world); therefore, Reiki and other alternative methods of healing have been perceived as unrealistic or “mystical”.  We are now at the point in our human evolution where we are uncovering the science behind formerly “mystical” approaches.  Much the same as once thinking the stars in the sky were all Gods or the world was flat, we now have the technology to look beyond the mysticism and see the reality of what is before us.
Reiki practitioners often describe how their healing modality works as bringing Source energy (God energy, Love energy, Chi, etc.) in through their crown chakra (top of the head), down through their heart chakra, into their arms (extensions of the heart chakra), out their hands and into the body & energetic field of their client — healing, balancing and cleansing them.  While this explanation is certainly valid, it is difficult for people who need a more scientific or logical explanation of how Reiki works to accept this explanation.
To view this from a logical standpoint we need to understand the electromagnetic field, the myofascial system, chakras, and biophotons.  Once these are understood separately we can put them together to understand the science behind holistic energy healing.

The Electromagnetic Field

Energy Torus field of a man's heart
To grasp the basic concepts of energy healing understand first that everything is made up of electromagnetic energy, or simply put, energy.  All energy vibrates at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The Eastern explanation of energy refers to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing, whereby the Western explanation of energy within the body typically refrains from explaining what energy is but instead states that we need energy within our bodies to sustain life and that energy cannot be destroyed or eliminated from our being. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, in order to maintain health and wellness, energetically, mentally, physically, and emotionally. This life-force energy, or Chi, moves within, from and around our bodies through what is known as an electromagnetic field (see picture above). An electromagnetic field (also known as EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. Humans, animals, plants, cell phones, even planet Earth has an EMF and this Chi flows from all parts in the Universe, in and throughout this EMF continually. The Institute of HeartMath is currently conducting enlightening research on the EMF and their findings on how the EMF affects and is affected by our emotions and thoughts, or intention.  It is this field that energetic healers work within to bring about clearing, balancing and healing of the body.

The Myofascial System

Fascial (Fascia) Tissue up close

The Myofascial System, which makes up 60% of your body, consists of fascial tissue (fascia). In the photo (above) you can see that fascial tissue is actually made up of tiny microtubules of callogen, similar to fiber optics, which are hollow and fluid-filled and carry information about proprioception as well as carrying your consciousness throughout your body.


This tissue is a white or clear connective tissue that supports, envelops, and connects our organs, bones, muscles, and tissue together.  The fascia provides a sliding and gliding environment for muscles, suspends organs in their proper place, transmits movement from muscles to bones, and provides a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels as they pass through and between muscles. If you ever dissected an animal in your high school biology class, you would have cut through this white, skin-like tissue to get to whatever organ, muscle or bone you were trying to find.
Fascia also conducts your energy; you might consider it an energy highway.  When we send energy from our body to another body it is moving through and from the fascia.  This fascia also creates our chakras or energy centers within the body. These energy centers are where the fascial tissue actually congregates in horizontal bands (see diagram to the left) creating a concentration of energetic vibration and internal power.


By understanding your electromagnetic field and fascia, you can now see how this life-force energy moves throughout and around your body, both physically and energetically.  However, to fully understand energetic healing we must add the variable of biophotons and their role in this fascinating process
All living organisms emit a constant current of biophotons, which are elementary particles of light coming from a biological being. Pictured to the left are biophotons in a drop of water. These particles are emitted and direct instantaneous signals to multiple locations at once, from one part of the body to another, and to the outside world. They are stored in the DNA and their function is cellular communication.  Physicists actually call these light particles the “communicators” in the body because they use your intention to direct other particles to rearrange into either a healthy or non-healthy pattern.  In biology every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Research has provided evidence that this cellular dance is not random, but rather controlled by these biophotons.  To further explain, science is showing us that biophotons are in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body through our thoughts, emotions, and intention, including supporting your body’s ability to heal, releasing old patterns or forming new supportive ones.
A direct intention manifests itself as an electric and magnetic energy producing an ordered change of photons. Our intentions operate as highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter.
In short, it is the biophotons that allow for our patterns to form and break, allow our emotions to hold a negative charge or balance into a positive experience, and allow our body to be in a state of health or dis-ease.
Taking this explanation of biophotons one step further, we’re going to look at images of biophotons in a drop of water (below). In February 2006, using a Somatoscope, which is a darkfield microscope with a magnification of 30,000x, researchers were able to observe the inside structure of biophotons for the very first time. What was discovered when focusing on a single biophoton was that in the center of this spark of light a six-pointed star was contained within a hexagonal geometric shape, as is seen appearing in photo 4.  By photo 6 you can see a Merkaba form in the middle with a hexagon around the edge and by photo 9 you can see the Flower of Life form.  If you connect Sacred Geometry with healing, you may come to the conclusion that at the center of the flower of life is our consciousness, the consciousness directs the photons, the photons direct our patterns and positive or negative state of being, which means – we completely control our own state of being.  We are not a victim to anyone or anything, we hold all the cards and only we can heal ourselves.
For more information on Sacred Geometry, watch this great little video from our friends at Spirit Science!

Putting it all together

Reiki works when biophotons are brought in from source energy, through the fascia, into the heart and then into the hands of a practitioner or ones’ own hands.  When a practitioner and a client have a shared intention or when the self has a clear intention on what is wanted the biophotons travel through the fascia of the client or self, moving into the DNA and communicate with other biophotons within the body to allow healing, clearing, balancing, etc.  In other words the biophotons are directed to restructure the chemical reactions and molecular makeup of the body for health and wellness to occur.

Conducting a healing session

Anyone can heal and everyone has the power to change the course of their physical, mental and emotional well-being.  The following is an explanation of one method of conducting a healing session on others, but can easily be applied to the self.  Methods vary from practitioner to practitioner and each method has value and worth.  If you are not finding success with your own self-healing, seek a local energy healer who can guide you through your release.
To begin, take a few deep breaths with your client to help engage the Vagus nerve which triggers a signal within your nervous system to slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and decrease cortisol, the stress hormone. Then guide them into their heart center (chakra) asking them to connect their heart to yours so that a partnership is formed while conducting the healing process.  Remind the person you are working on that the practitioner is a conduit to move the energy and set the space for healing to occur—the true healer is the self.

Kelly Schwegel Healing
Once hearts are connected begin by placing your hands on your client –go where you feel called to go, listening to your intuition or when releasing old emotion, place one hand on the heart and one on the solar plexus.  Set an intention for the energy and ask to bring in the right energy for the client’s highest and greatest good. By setting that intention you bring in the correct arrangement of photons into your crown chakra, down through your heart, out your arms, and through your hands.  What leaves your hands are biophotons that are in perfect arrangement for the client’s healing and balance. Once these particles of light enter your client’s body, they communicate with the client’s own biophotons to assist in rearranging molecules into a healthy pattern. Continue to set these intentions together as you work on various parts of the body or on particular emotional releases, moving this energy through the fascia.  By doing this rearranging of molecules, energy blockages and old emotions can be released, leaving the client in a healthier, balanced state. There are particular techniques and symbols that are taught in Reiki classes and can increase frequency and direction for the healing sessions; seek a local Reiki instructor for further training to assist either yourself or others.


Although it is typically very difficult for many to accept changes in the way we view the world and the advances we are making that assist us in understanding it, we know that we have much to learn and our growth is not nearly complete. As a society, the more open we are to looking beyond what has been and open up to what we are currently learning, the more progress we will make as an evolving species.



Contact:  Dr Theresa 078 308 9907

Thursday, 22 May 2014


What you don't know will hurt you!

The origin of this bold statement goes back to the
fundamental law of cause and effect. There is a reason for
everything that manifests around us in our lives, whether
we are aware of our role in attracting it - or not!

Often times, we incorrectly tend to blame all kinds of
circumstances for the challenges we experience in life. We
fail to take responsibility for being the ultimate attractor
of these less than desirable events. When we learn how to
effectively shift how we think and behave in key situations,
we take responsibility to creating the results we desire.

Now the real question becomes: What do we need to improve
within ourselves so we become a more effective attractor of
our desired results?

The answer to this great question is simply: Your Level of

Your level of self-esteem is the primary determining factor that influences your behavior in EVERY MOMENT of your Life!

You may be shocked to hear that my research has shown that
over 85% of us experience some form of diminished self-esteem
in our lives. For many, their overall self-esteem is at a low
point, but more often, for most people, poor self-esteem occurs
in certain situations and settings.

Most irritating is that it's in the key emotional moments of
your life that diminished self-esteem can hurt you most. For
example, you may be applying for a job and you are given a
tough question and all of a sudden, you start feeling
uncomfortable or you may even sabotage your chances by saying
something foolish because you lack the necessary self-esteem
to hold yourself as a great prospect for the company
interviewing you. Or, perhaps, it could be the area of dating
and intimacy where your poor self-esteem might prevent you from achieving your desired result. All too often unproductive levels of self-esteem in certain key areas are passed on to children who experience problems similar to those that their parents have. 

Or maybe it's a business setting where you sometimes feel
intimidated, shy or uncomfortable as a result of diminished

I think it is fair to say that we all have experienced our share of these types of situations. The GOOD thing is -this does not need to continue to happen! You can be as strong, confident, and productive as you wish in any situation - and truthfully, you fully deserve that.

Through our communications and our products, I am committed to
showing you the way to realizing a stronger and healthier overall
level of self-esteem, where you will enjoy a higher quality of
life on a consistent basis.

Dr Theresa:  078 308 9907


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

MENTAL HEALTH in Employee Wellness

Wellness is more than the absence of disease. Our overall well-being involves a holistic approach, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, social, financial and spiritual health.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” It is estimated that only 17% of U.S adults are considered to be in a state of optimal mental health.
According to the  Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 22.1%  adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, with depression being the most common type. Studies from the World Health Organization have shown the increasing prevalence of anxiety and other disorders. In fact, depression is often cited as one of the leading causes of lost workplace productivity and increased absenteeism and presenteeism, while leading to increased medical, prescription and disability costs.
Research from a variety of sources often shows that positive mental health is associated with
improved health outcomes. For example, stress, depression and anxiety are often related to the occurrence and treatment of many chronic diseases, a variety of physical ailments, as well as unhealthy behaviors.
Many employers focus solely on the physical aspects of well-being. One’s mental and emotional state clearly impacts success in achieving optimal physical health. Increasingly, organizations are recognizing that employees don’t leave their financial, child/elder care-giving responsibilities and other worries at home, and are beginning to look at wellness in a broader, more holistic way. According to respondents from WorldatWork’s "Total Rewards and Employee Well-Being" survey, 45% of organizations offer integrated programs, recognizing that physical health doesn’t exist in a silo.

In fact, of the top three well-being offerings, three out of five were around mental and behavioral issues, with the top offering being Employee Assistance Programs resource and referral. The top reasons for EAP calls typically are related to mental or emotional health, relationships, family and children, and stress and anxiety disorders.

So, what can employers do?
First recognize that emotional and mental health issues can often be brought on by life situations, such as caregiving responsibilities or the loss of a loved one. Whatever the situation, we are all at risk of poor mental health given the demands and challenges of daily life.
If your organization offers health and wellness initiatives, be sure to incorporate access to programs, resources and education, including helpful tools, such as meditation and mindfulness practices.

Many organizations offer access to EAPs but fail to promote them effectively and/or employees tend to avoid them. Promote the EAP and all the other resources you offer. Integrate them with your other work-life and health-care strategies.
In the WorldatWork survey, well-being programs had positive results for most employers that measured the programs’ effectiveness. Some 87% reported increases in employee engagement, while there was a significant high percentage of respondents indicating increased levels of employee satisfaction and productivity.
During Mental Health Awareness Month, let us be cognizant of the importance of optimal mental and emotional health to the overall well-being of our employees. Doing so will positively impact the physical well-being of our employees and will, also, greatly improve workforce engagement levels, reduce health- care costs, reduce employee absenteeism and presenteeism, and ultimately lead to improved total health & productivity.

 Isn’t that good for the bottom line?

 For more information on our "Employee Wellness Programs" or "Full Circle Wellness Coaching for Behaviour Change" 



Friday, 16 May 2014



A Metaphysician helps people learn how to change their reality by working with the underlying thoughts and emotions that cause the problems and create manifestations of suffering. 

This is a different kind of doctor (healer), one who works with the energy that creates disease and illness, rather than treating the resulting symptoms in the physical body or reality.

It is most important to reach deeper into the roots of the problems, the etheric layers where it all starts in pre-matter.

 By changing the inner landscape, the outer landscape, as pertains to the universal laws of nature, must change with it."

We look forward working with you.
For more information please visit our website(s): 
 or e-mail:

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


You've probably applied "The Secret" or the "Law of
Attraction" to improve your life.

Perhaps you've visualized, recited your affirmations,
said your prayers, ordered the universe, and even
performed all the manifestation rituals imaginable.

Well, how did it work out for you? If you're living
your dreams as a result, I wish to congratulate you
for your success!

But if you're like most people, and you're still
unable to move forward, then you're missing out on
the MOST IMPORTANT piece of the manifestation puzzle...

And that is...  "the missing ingredient".
Book your seat now for the "THE MISSING INGREDIENT"  Workshop
 and then you will fully realize the miraculous power of "this missing ingredient".
Before, I thought that simply "thinking" and "feeling" what I want, was enough.  But thanks to "the missing ingredient", I was amazed to discover that everything won't work without it.

And to prove how awesome "this missing ingredient" is, I have decided to have this workshop for the public and I will give you some powerful information that WILL LITERALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


For more information on the "the missing ingredient" workshop
in Gauteng e-mail: