
Friday, 31 January 2014



WHAT IS THE DNA - and what does it stand for?

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (pronounced dee-oxy-rye-bow-nu-clee-ik acid).  It is the generic material of a cell.  The chromosomes inside the nucleus (control centre) of the cell are made of DNA. Lots and lots of DNA.  It is very fine and tightly coiled, but there are may be as much as a metre in a single cell.  DNA is really a code.  It is divided up into sections.  These sections are genes, which carry all the instructions for making up our body.  So, there is a gene that tells the body to have brown hair and so on.  Each gene is a code for a particular protein.  Our bodies are made up of proteins. So the genes dictate how ware are made and what our bodies look like.

DNA molecules are shaped in a double helix.  They are long strands coiled round each other.  You inherit half your DNA from your mother and half from your father.

DNA is our chemical blueprint, but he Human Genome Project found that over ninety percent of it is not coded.  In fact, only approximately four percent creates  23,000 genes in Human Body.  The rest?  It's a puzzle to the extreme and to this day there is no answer why most of DNA seems to have no symmetry codes of any kind.  In fact it seems to be random.

Is it that DNA is mostly quantum instructions - information that speaks to the Human Body?  There is a full revelation of the twelve layers, or energies of DNA.  The twelve layers of study around our DNA, each has a Hebrew name, which is a "name of God".  To make it even more esoteric, each one also has a numerological energy and a complex interaction with the others in the group of 12.

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907


Being kind, gentle and understanding with ourselves is not cultivated by our culture. Instead we are taught that striving, pushing and competing will move us towards our dream life.  We are led to believe that we are "human doers", instead of human beings.  This is simply untrue.
If you would grow - Shine the Light of Loving Self-Care on Yourself
If you would grow to your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marvelling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing and punishing
For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is as tough as war yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies but we open fully only to warmth and light
And our need to grow is as fragile as fragrance.  Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still
So, accept, respect, attend your sensitivity
A flower cannot be opened by a hammer
- Daniel F. Mead
Dr Theresa
078 308 9907

Thursday, 30 January 2014



Eating is a natural, healthy and pleasurable activity when it's done to satisfy hunger.  The bottom line is that a healthy lifestyle is not just about what you eat.  How you eat matters just as much.

Choosing to eat "mindfully" in other words, giving food and eating your full attention, will allow you to have optimal satisfaction and enjoyment without eating to express.

Mindful eating makes it possible for you to experience the difference between physical satisfaction and fullness.  Mindful eating also allows you to feel more satisfied with smaller quantities of food.  Learning to savor your food simply makes eating more pleasurable.  Knowing what satisfies you and getting the most pleasure from your eating experiences, are key factors for a lifetime health.


-  Start by recognizing whether you're hungry before you begin 
-  Don't wait until you're famished;
-  Next, decide how full you want be when you're finished eating;
-  Choose food that will satisfy both your body and mind;
-  Set the table in a pleasant manner;
-  Eat without distractions;
-  Eat when you are sitting down;
-  Appreciate the occasion;
-  Take a few breaths and centre yourself before you begin eating;
-  Appreciate the aroma and the appearance of your food;
-  Decide which food looks the most appetizing and start eating 
   that food first;
-  Savour the aromas and tastes of your food as you eat it;
-  If you notice that you are not enjoying what you chose, choose 
   something else if possible;
-  Pause in the middle of eating for at least two full minutes;
-  Push your plate forward or get up from the table as soon as you 
   feel satisfied;
-  Notice how you feel when you are finished eating.

Once you've experienced the increased pleasure from mindful eating, you may be motivated to become more mindful during other activities too.  Living "in the moment" and becoming more aware can increase your enjoyment and effectiveness in everything you do.

078 308 9907



The human aura is a field of energy around the body that holds the other bodies that are surrounding us and extending outward from our physical form.  Those subtle bodies are the etheric, mental, emotional, astral and three spiritual bodies.  Auras are related to the electromagnetic field of the body and serve as a visual measure of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states.
The aura is in a state of constant change due to our thoughts and actions.  Our incessant human thoughts and physical health affect the aura.  The energies of the environment, the force-fields of the planet and different frequencies, are also affecting the aura.  The state of the aura shows clearly who we are at every given moment.
When in full alignment with spirituality, the colour of the aura holds a bright glow and radiate with joy and vitality.  When we are down, worried, depressed, always complaining, feeling our life is not important, feeling unhappy, etc - then the colours of the aura becomes dull.
For the ones addicted to drugs, we can spot wholes in the aura and it looks dark brown, black.............
Appreciation intensifies the aura.
Feelings, thoughts, diet, environment, affects the human aura.
Dr Theresa
078 308 9907


Sometimes the Chakras can become out of balance, causing physical symptoms of disease in the body.  This can not only effect you physically, but can also play a big part in how you are manifesting the world around.  Emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  If one Chakra is out of balance, there will be discord in your physical reality (even if it is only an upset stomach).
In Reiki, the practitioners learn how to feel the energy of each Chakra and can bring them into balance by the various hand positions that are learned.  During a healing session the practitioner will often go along the Chakra centers, removing any blockages that may exist within.

Although the blockages occurs at the Chakra center, the body may manifest it in other places, such as your shoulder, or in your feet. This is why it is necessary to go through each Chakra to find the root cause.  Remember, Reiki will always go where it is needed most.  When a person asks for "Chakra Balancing" the practitioner will go down each of the seven chakras, generally starting at the Crown Chakra, until they feel that the energy became balanced.  A Reiki Practitioner can feel for the difference in energy in each of the Chakra's and can determine which are over or under active.  Often when there is an imbalance of the energy in our body, the area will either feel "sluggish" or will be vibrating much faster than it should.  Once the Chakra's have been balanced, you will feel refreshed, even perhaps "high" from the vibration that each one is giving off.  It is quite Euphoric and I recommend that you get it done as Chakra's can easily become "muddied" from daily events (no matter how small or uneventful).  This is but one way to balance the Chakra's, it is what I was taught in Usui Reiki.
 Dr Theresa
078 308 9907

Wednesday, 29 January 2014



Reiki is a wonderfully Healing Energy that emanates warmth throughout our body, throughout your soul, throughout your spirit.  It is said that the world itself comes from the Energy of Universal Spirit.  This conjures up the mental images of Inner Peace, tranquillity and contentment.
When used as a method of healing oneself, it brings on a feeling of tranquillity leading to inner live.
The energy that we all have within ourselves is of vital importance as a method by which we can use to heal the "savage beast" within.  It is music to the Soul and it is peace to the Spirit.  It is fulfilment to the physical, mental, auric and Spiritual Bodies from within to without.
At the very least, it will bring on a relaxed and calm day, free of anxiety and troubles.  At the most - it can bring on an energetic rejuvenated physical body, capable of the most strenuous exercise.
When used on another being, it is one of pleasant relaxation.  One of healing energy brought from without to within that deepens the healing to one's Soul and Spirit.  It soothes and calms the person who is being healed, while allowing the body to remain tranquil and find peace.  At the very least it will bring on a rejuvenated and healed person ready to cope, work, walk, run and enjoy life once more.
When used on plants, it can rejuvenate, replenish and even cleanse toxins from the body. 
When used on animals, it can bring healing and pain relief to the sick and injured.  It can bring therapeutic energies to the physical bodies from without to within.
Reiki is giving, loving, healing, energising.
Reiki is giving with your Soul, your Spirit - with your All.

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907


Mastering the Spiritual Feedback Loop


Within the Spiritual Evolution, it's important to move beyond the need for an outcome in the external world.  The soul has no need for the world to be a particular way.  Yet, the outer is an externalised manifestation of the inner - a "mirror" so to speak.  Therefore it would be natural to look for some result of internal energy work.  In fact, to an Energy Worker, who catalyses the field, it is essential to generate "feedback loops" which accelerate and build the energy. 
The Soul is yearning for this.

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907



There are plenty of talks in spiritual circles currently about the "New Paradigm":  what that is;  how to access it;  how is it going to unfold?  The views are often strongly contrasting.  I sense it's because there's understandably still a lot of fear and desire - desire of a particular reality or fear of another.  When we can completely let go, then we will truly feel the REAL JUICE OF LIFE and especially how it wants to flow.  "Realignment" is what inspires the action for all life.  In other words, unravelling density and allowing The Divine to take over.  Now is the time to embrace this driving force of life, because "Great Realignment" is gathering strength here on earth............
Dr Theresa
078 308 9907


We live in a world of physicality, a place of goals, aspirations and creations.  It's where we are incited to taste the Ultimate Paradox - the almost intangible essence of The Divine, deeply diffused within the density.  It is like sitting in an orchestra trying to listen to the quitter instruments, like the flute when you are right next to the bass drum.  Both are registered in the mind with which plays it's tricks of course, confusing the messages we're being given.  We might feel a definite pull to do something which then does not seem to work out.  How do we fathom what's going on, when the Ego can be so loud?
  It's all about finding the Gift of Beingness.
078 308 9907



Universal Life  Force Energy is the Life Force or Living Energy that sustains life of organs, cells, tissue and blood.  As a spiritual entity the force is considered our connective flow to The Creator.

When we raise our vibration and increase our energetic sensitivity, a natural flow of the moment can be perceived as a sense of "rightness".

Universal Life Force Energy is the first Primal manifestation of the Great Principle - our Creator.  ULFE expresses itself and makes itself known; it in All the forces in the Universe.  ULFE is in All living things; it is everywhere; it is limitless; All powerful and its flowing through All life and it is as essential to us as the Air we breath.

Universal Life Force Energy is the "key to all power".  It unlocks all the latent; All Powerful Forces in Mankind.  ULFE fills every cell, every major and minor organ of our Body, Mind and Spirit, awarding us and renewing our personal fund of Life Force Energy that assists us with our daily activities.

When we make contact with Universal Life Force Energy we are personally making contact with The Great Principle, our Creator.  It awakens and strengthens the All Powerful relationship with our Creator, Nature and with one another - we are not and never have been separated from these unions.  The more we make contact with Universal Life Force Energy, the more enlightened and perfected our human activities become.

When we make conscious contact with Universal Life Force Energy, we activate and align ourselves with the aspects of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Case and Effect - where (cause), will always have a return (effect).  When we make the contact with ULFE daily, we build in us a reservoir - a continual ever flowing and ever increasing Life Force Energy in ourselves.  It is our privilege and our duty to power our lives and exchange with others this All Powerful gift of Energy to us from our Creator.

When we follow this flow, we move into alignment with the Universe and feel increasingly harmonious.

We feel successful, fulfilled and abundant.

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907




The term energy has been widely used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of Spirituality and alternative medicine to refer to a variety of phenomena.  Such energy is often seen as a continuum that unites body and mind.  It is sometimes conceived of as a "Universal Life Force" running within and between all things, (as in some forms of vitalism), as a subtle body, in Chinese medicine as qi and in Indian yoga as prana or kundalani. Sometimes it is equated with the movement of breath in the body, sometimes described as visible "auras", "rays", or "fields" or as audible or tactile "vibrations".  These are often held to be perceptible to anyone, though this may be held to require training or sensitization through various practices.
The term energy also has a scientific context and the scientific foundations of physical energy are often confused or misused to suggest a scientific basis for physical manifestations, properties, detectability, or sensing of psychic energy and other physical phenomena where no presently known scientific basis exists.
Spiritual Energy is often closely associated with the metaphor of life breath - the words "qi", "prana" and "spirit" for instance, are all related in their respective languages to the verb "to breath".

Dr Theresa
078 308 9907